I have a customer who purchased a used 2015 Camaro from Apex Auto Group and also bought an extended warranty through them for a fee of $2,950. Veritas Global Protection administers the warranty. Has anyone had any experience with this auto ...
Hatreon Latest Questions
Hey everyone, I need to warn you about Aaron Sansoni – stay away from this guy! I’m still kicking myself for falling for his “business mentor” BS. What a nightmare. So my partner and I thought we were investing in our ...
Tarun Gaur has been implicated in multiple scams, particularly those involving impersonation of well-known cybersecurity companies like McAfee and Norton. He is associated with several companies, including Qikfox and Jinigram, which have been accused of operating fraudulent schemes targeting vulnerable individuals, ...
The SEC had settled charges against Houston-based biotherapeutics company Kiromic BioPharma, Inc., its former CEO, Maurizio Chiriva-Internati, and its former chief financial officer, Tony Tontat, for failing to disclose material information about Kiromic’s two cancer-fighting-drug candidates before, during, and after ...
The SEC has announced that R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company (RRD), a global provider of business communication and marketing services, agreed to pay over $2.1 million to settle disclosure and internal control failure charges relating to cybersecurity incidents and alerts ...